On September 1, 2020, the IceMan project consortium initiated the three-year Anti-Icing Sustainable Solutions by Development and Application of Icephobic Coatings (IceMan) Project. Its objective is to develop water-based polyurethane coatings using different methods to fulfil requirements of icephobicity of composite surfaces.
The project is being carried out within the POLNOR Programme funded under Norway Funds.
The project is coordinated by Technology Partners (www.technologypartners.pl), the participants are: SINTEF – the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia (www.sintef.no), Funzionano AS – a SINTEF spin-off specialising in developing hybrid nanomaterials (www.funzionano.com) and MSP InnTech sp. z o.o. – a leading Polish developer of 0,5-150 kg class UAVs (www.uav.com.pl).